
Check out upcoming campus events or find out how to organise a conference, seminar or even a cultural event.
événements campus EPFL

© Alain Herzog


Portes ouvertes EPFL Hall MED

Events Open to the Public

Discover the events that make up the Campus!

Events for the EPFL community

Honor to our students and staff! A series of events is particularly aimed at them.


Le logo du réseau social X, en surimpression du bâtiment MED


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Services and activities

Préparatifs de Balélec 2016. Des étudiants transportent des échaffaudages devant le Rolex Learning Center.

Organize an event

It is possible to organize an event throughout the year, taking into account academic periods.

Un enfant, de dos, face à un écran dans ue grande salle vide d'Archizoom, durant la Nuit des Musées 2015

Rooms available

Non-academic rooms and places available if schedules and schedules allow.

Practical information

Find all the necessary information to organize your event.

Intérieur du SwissTech Convention Center durant la ournée de la recherche IC. la salle est plongée dans le noir. Une présentation est en cours sur la scène.

Corporate events

EPFL hosts corporate events on its sites, under certain conditions


CM 1 364 (Centre Midi)
Station 10
CH-1015 Lausanne

Tel. : 41 21 69 3 51 27
E-mail : [email protected]

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